With so many new LEGO gold parts coming out in the last year, it was only a matter of time until I wanted to make a black and gold bow tie. But with so many different parts to choose from, one post would not have been enough. So I decided to turn this into a series as well and this is part 1, focusing on the central element being gold on top of the black bow tie.

First off, I started simple, with singular pearl gold LEGO parts in the center:

Black And Gold LEGO Bow Tie - Central Flower Piece
Bow Tie Online Shop - Bow Tie Bleau

New Bow Ties From LEGO bricks in the shop!

Black And Gold LEGO Bow Tie - Axe Head
Black And Gold LEGO Bow Tie - Spikes
Black And Gold LEGO Bow Tie - Rice Hat
Black And Gold LEGO Bow Tie - Slopes
Black And Gold LEGO Bow Tie - Top Hat On Gold

Afterwards, I played around with LEGO part 95344 – Bucket Handle to form a sort of buckle in the center and then added a center for said “buckle”. From a distance the black parts holding the golden handles fade into the black bow tie background. A cool looking black and gold LEGO bow tie:

Black And Gold LEGO Bow Tie - Buckle 1
Black And Gold LEGO Bow Tie - Buckle 2 and 3

I also made one variant for Harry Potter fans by placing a gold LEGO snitch as the center piece in the “buckle”. I like that it indirectly covers the handles holding said “buckle”:

Black And Gold LEGO Bow Tie - Golden Snitch

And aftwerwards I went a bit off the standard path with the center pieces and played around with chains and roof slopes, technic discs and even carriage wheels for my black and gold LEGO bow tie. I really liked the gold chains so expect more ideas and approaches on how to use them when creating the bow ties:

Black And Gold LEGO Bow Tie - Chains
Black And Gold LEGO Bow Tie - Roof Slopes
Black And Gold LEGO Bow Tie - Technic Wheel & Leaves
Black And Gold LEGO Bow Tie - Carriage Wheel

That’s it for part 1 of this series. I might come back with a few ideas for the center piece and add them to the post though so might want to check back here in a few days.

Next parts in the series will focus on expanding beyond the central piece and creating more daring and interesting black and gold LEGO bow ties.

Until then, have a crazy day and don’t forget to check out the Bow Tie Bleau shop.


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