Great news: we’ve just added new custom bow tie products to the shop! And a new classic one too! 

First up, we have the black & red space fighter bow tie. This fighter will not only make the main ship (that’s you) look great but will also jump into competing bow tie battles at a moment’s notice.  It features a wonderful cockpit as a center piece and hexagonal double wings. 

Check out the Black & Red Space Fighter Bow Tie in the shop. 

Black And Red Space Fighter Bow Tie
Bow Tie Online Shop - Bow Tie Bleau

New Bow Ties From LEGO bricks in the shop!

The next custom bow tie doesn’t do any fighting. In fact, it’s more on the happy side of bow ties. Featuring a dazzling pink with cyan twirls, I give you the Pink Candy Bow Tie. Please don’t try and lick it. Also comes with double hexagonal wings. 

Check out the Pink Candy Bow Tie in the shop. 

Pink Candy Bow Tie from LEGO bricks

As mentioned at the start, we have also added a new classical bow tie: the Red Butterfly Bow Tie. This one is very popular with hitmen, men or women in classy black suits with white shirts, or people codenamed 47. 

Check out the Red Butterfly Bow Tie in the shop. 

Red Butterfly Bow Tie from LEGO parts

We’ve got more new products incoming so keep an eye on both the blog and the shop. Let us know what you think about the new products. As usual, all of the bow ties are created with new LEGO bricks and they all come with a quality handmade and handsown strap to make them stand out and look great when being worn!

Have a crazy day and don’t forget to check out the shop!

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